The University of Texas at Tyler’s Spirit Squad is representing UT Tyler by providing joy with their performances.
The Spirit Squad has three teams: dance, cheer and stunt. The Patriot Dancers performed with alumni Jan. 21 at the Men’s Basketball game against West Texas A&M. The alumni also participated in sideline routines with the Patriot Dancers before the halftime performance.

“It was exhilarating getting to be back and perform again. I miss dancing so much! I also miss performing, but I will say being a coach is very rewarding,” Assistant Dance Coach Victoria Kinney said.
“Transitioning from student athlete to coach, I still get to be a part of everything. Now that I am the teacher, I have the other side of dance. I still get to have my little touch in the routines and it’s a lot of fun,” Kinney said.
Kinney said the alumni who performed are the original dancers who first learned the routine. She said it was great to pay tribute to their organization by doing a routine that alumni and current dancers are passionate about.

“I have danced with a couple of [the alumni] and getting to see everyone and actually dancing with them again was my favorite part.”
senior Patriot Dancer Megan Bell
“I got to see some faces that already graduated or didn’t decide to be a part of the team for the following year. It was super exciting for sure, and I didn’t want it to end,” said Junior Patriot Dancer Ana Lainez. “I would say performing is my favorite thing about being a part of the Spirit Squad. Performing is the most rewarding thing after putting in all the practices and workouts. Seeing everyone’s face light up in the crowd is something I love about being a Patriot Dancer.”

However, these rewards don’t come without hard work.
“We are putting in a lot of hours and mornings and evenings into practice. Getting to see how it all looks at the end and comes together is exciting.”
junior Patriot Dancer Avery Shiffer
“Being able to show support for everyone for all the athletic teams is what I love about my time as a Patriot Dancer. I found my second family here and all of my bridesmaids were on Spirit Squad, so we are a second family,” said Kinney.
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