EDITOR’S NOTE: October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
“I was just a child.”
“You were my best friend and you failed me.”

Abuse isn’t easy to talk about, but for those who’ve lived through it, breaking the silence is often a critical step toward healing. That’s what the Clothesline Project is all about.
From Oct. 2-4, about 75 T-shirts painted by survivors of assault were displayed on clotheslines in the UC ballroom. Each shirt was painted by a member of the UT Tyler community, and each color represented a specific type of violence.
“Everyone’s heard the phrase, ‘don’t air your dirty laundry,’” Title IX Coordinator Blake Bumbard said. “We don’t air our dirty secrets or our shameful hurts for the world to see. That’s kind of the significance of the Clothesline Project.”

“One big thing with this project, other than painting the shirts themselves, is just feeling like you’re not alone and you’re among other people that understand,” Title IX Investigator Elizabeth Caulkins said. “It’s a very brave and courageous act to even paint a shirt. Whatever it
means to that person, they’re using that shirt for healing.”
Several students observing the gallery expressed surprise at the number of people in the UT Tyler community who had suffered.
And relate to it they do.
“That was me,” said another UT Tyler student while looking at yellow and gray shirts (which indicated domestic violence and verbal abuse). “And you go through all these people in the hallways… you never suspect anything.”
Every shirt gives voice to a broken piece of someone’s story and amplifies each person’s message of healing:
“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”
“What is done is done. It is up to you to grow, learn, and love. Most of all … forgive.”