By JIM RASBERRY/ Staff Writer and BRYNNA WILLIAMSON/Vice Editor-in-Chief
New and experienced players from across Tyler gathered Sept. 30 to take part in Geek World’s “Adventurer’s Guild” night. The event saw many members of the TTRPG (or “Table-Top Role-Playing Game”) community gather for casual games, to form groups, and to learn about new hobbies.
Given the great success of the event, Game Masters and Players look forward to gathering at the store’s tables again for the next Adventurer’s Guild night, which will take place on Oct. 28. The event at the end of the month will be a Mini Adventurer’s Guild and will include a costume contest and prize giveaway.
The Tyler TTRPG community is on the rise, with local stores like Geek World playing their part in hosting events such as this one. Even new players who may have never played TTRPGs in the past are encouraged to come and play. To this rising community, new player accessibility is a major part of the game.
“You just have to be patient with people who don’t know. The fewer rules you push at the beginning, the better. The easier you make it to get them playing, the better it is,” said Josh Gaines, a dungeon master for Adventurer’s Guild night.
Though the games held on Adventurer’s Guild night are all one-shots (meaning shorter, more concentrated versions of a D&D game), players joining in on the fun are still encouraged to use this time to form new groups and meet new players.
“The goal is get people together, find a group, and get games together in a less intimidating way, as finding a group is the hardest part of any game,” said Chris Williams, a Geek World employee and dungeon master.
The hope isn’t only to see players for one night, but to see players come together, enjoy the TTRPG hobby, and learn new games as a community. With a Halloween-themed night coming at the end of the month, the dungeon masters encourage any and all players to join in.
“I’d encourage anyone to do it because in a world that’s gone mostly digital, it’s a lot better to get in front of people and actually talk face-to-face,” said Gaines.