The submissions for the Inspired Minds Magazine are now open — but the deadline is coming up.
Inspired Minds, the creative writing and art-focused publication on campus, will keep submissions for its next issue open until midnight on Oct. 27. Students, faculty, staff and alumni are all welcome to submit their work.
This year’s theme is “History Repeats Itself.” Writers planning to submit their work must connect their work with the theme.
“Whether they want to connect it to world, American history, personal history… as long as that history connection can be seen in that work, that’s mainly what we are looking for,” said Michaela Murphy, president of the Creative Writing Club and committee member of the submission’s selection process.
Murphy also encouraged participants to reflect their “heart passion” and “hard work” in their proposals.
This year the magazine is accepting submissions under four categories: prose, poetry, photography/fine arts, and music sheet/script. Students are limited to three submissions each.
According to Karleigh Yancy, editor-in-chief of the Inspired Minds Magazine, participants can expect to learn which works will be published in early November.
For more information, go to or email .