Editor-in-Chief and Vice Editor-in-Chief applications open

By BRYNNA WILLIAMSON/Vice Editor-in-Chief

Well, graduation is coming, and with it, my graceful exit from the Patriot Talon. I’ve been on staff for over three years now, and I’ve seen four generations of Editor-in-Chief come and go. There are bittersweet things about graduating, but I will miss my time on the Talon!

The good news for everyone else is that applications are now open for Vice Editor-in-Chief! A decision will be made quickly by Talon Student Media leadership, so if you would like a shot at the position, please fill out this application. You can also reach out to myself at to find out more about the job.

The Editor-in-Chief application is also now open. The incumbent, Nathan Witt, is re-applying for the position, but he encourages anyone else who would like to apply to do so. The EIC application is found here.