By BRYNNA WILLIAMSON/Vice-Editor-in-Chief
Well, my friends, today is the last day I write those words– “Vice Editor in Chief!” It’s been a long journey, and this post is the last one I’ll be making in my three years as Head Editor/”Vice President” of the Patriot Talon. How poetic is that?
It’s been a long journey… (did I say that already?). There are times I’ll always remember fondly, and there are times that I look back on and am grateful for because they taught me to grow.
There are probably only a few of you that this goodbye letter is relevant to, but to those few: I will miss you. I appreciate your time, effort, and friendship. Thank you for giving me the motivation to keep writing, and the support to keep going when I didn’t want to.
You know who you are. I will pray for each and every one of you.
So, without further adieux, I hereby take my leave and pass on the torch to future leadership. May the Talon impact others in the same way that it has impacted me!
Here are some of Brynna’s multi-media work.
UT Tyler Honors College Holds Colloquium Event
Stuff I wish someone had told me before I studied abroad – Blog 1
UT Tyler Breaks Ground on School of Nursing Expansion Building
Your work has changed UT Tyler for the better. This university will now always wear the imprint of Brynna Williamson. Not many college students get to say that. You took a doomed organization and rebuilt it stronger than ever. Not many leaders get to say that. I hope you always look back on this time and feel proud. I, for one, know that when I look back on it, I’ll be proud of you. Thank you for your neverending dedication to the Talon, the people in it, and the people impacted by it. You will be greatly missed!