By SARAH DAY/Staff Writer
All across campus are signs encouraging students to wear face coverings indoors as a safety precaution for not getting COVID-19. At the entrances of many buildings are signs with big capital letters telling people that, “Masks are expected in all campus facilities.”
Other signs say, “masks are expected before entering this space.” One sign says, “Thank you for wearing a mask at all times while inside buildings.” It also had an image of university mascot wearing a mask.
Students have different opinions about wearing masks.
“Personally, I don’t like them (masks) like on myself, but I understand and if someone wants me to wear one I’ll do it,” said Matthew Hoffman, who was not wearing a mask while recently in the Student Center. “I’ll wear one if you want me to.”
Meredith Freeman, who was working on an art class assignment at a table in the University Center, was not wearing a mask. She said there are some perks to wearing a mask even though she usually prefers not to wear one.
“I am not a huge fan of masks but I wear them,” she said. “They are just uncomfy.”
Other students take a different approach to wearing a mask.
Chloey Dalrymple, who was sharing a table with Freeman, was wearing a cloth mask that, as recommended by health experts, covered her nose and mouth.
“I personally want to wear them to protect myself,(and) my loved ones,” she said. “I like the general people around me and feel like people’s health is really important. Not everybody feel the same (way).”
Students coming in the University Center can get a mask at the information desk near the front entrance.
Hoffman said he also keeps in mind that he is not at high risk of getting sick from COVID-19. “If it is not required, I don’t wear one,” he said.
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