Tyler Music Scene Becoming More Diversified


InFocus performs at Rick's on the Square. The band is part of a growing live music scene that is offering more than country music. Photo by ANGELA FOSUHENE-APENTENG.


On a cool Friday evening, Rick’s on the Square and ETX Brewing Company are buzzing with live music reflective of the energy and soul of Tyler’s growing music scene.

InFocus is performing a set of iconic covers at Rick’s on the Square, on the downtown square, while a few blocks away on South Broadway Avenue, TD Wilt is delivering a soulful performance at ETX Brewing Company.

They represent the diversity of live music being offered in Tyler.

InFocus covers well-known hits by artists such as Michael Jackson and Prince.

“This band specifically is more inclusive with their music so far, from what I’ve heard,” college student Natalie Hernandez said. “A lot of Tyler live bands mostly stick to the East Texas vibe — country—so it’s kind of a nice hearing them play stuff like Michael Jackson and Prince.”

“My friend brought me to Rick’s on the Square because we like live music, and it’s a cool place to go for live music,” Ckia Morrison, said.

Her favorite music venue in Tyler is Republic Icehouse.

“It’s fun to go to with my friends and have drinks and listen to live music,” Morrison said.

Piper Reid, who also was Rick’s, has a different favorite music venue.

“The best live performance that I’ve ever seen here is probably at the Green Room with this band called Kona that I really enjoyed, and this band doesn’t really compare in my opinion,” Reid said.

Reid is among those who believe there is room for still more diversity in Tyler’s music scene.

“In Tyler, there’s definitely a lot more like country artists that perform here, and I do like it, but I still kind of wish that there was more to offer here,” Reid said.

Although Tyler has deep country roots, a shift to a wider range of genres is being experienced. New sounds are being brought by performers such as InFocus and TD Wilt. A growing diversity is being embraced and opportunities to discover new artists and venues are being created.

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