As the year winds down and as campus tours take place for eventual high school graduates, here are words of advice from current freshmen to give to future freshmen a heads up for adapting to college life.
- “Make sure you have the right books or are able to find books without paying as much because sometimes it’s not necessary, and you end up buying a book for a class you don’t need to.” – J’Corie Williams
- “Learn to study, and do not procrastinate. Do your homework early so you aren’t in a predicament. I kind of was in that situation but I learned real fast, you know, get your homework done, QUICK!” – Richard Kimbro
- “Don’t stress out too much, it is not that hard. You got to take a step back, and just gotta be like, ‘Okay, what do I gotta do.’ Don’t overthink it, don’t stress yourself out, it’ll make everything worse. But, I promise you, it’s not that bad, and you’re gonna soon learn to love it as soon as you get here.” – Zack Ellinwood
- “Just use your free time to your advantage, because you’re gonna get a lot of free time with this, and so just use it to your advantage and study with it.” – Ryan Riddle
- “Get to know your college and its surroundings, there are more ins and outs to the buildings than you think. Explore the campus and establish your spot to study by yourself or with friends, because for me going to study places other than my room refreshes my mind when I study.” – Moctezuma Perez
- “Discover and join on-campus groups and organizations that peak your interests, because it is the best and quickest way to make friends at college. Putting yourself out there to be a part of these functions has made me feel more a part of not only the campus but a part of college life in general.” – Moctezuma Perez
In all, we hope you can take these bits of advice from fellow students and utilize them to make college go as smoothly as possible.