The Student Media Advisory Board is now accepting applications for Editor in Chief (EIC) to serve for the 2025-2026 semester.
What does the EIC do?
The EIC functions as chief executive officer of student media. This editor runs meetings, appoints and works with other editors, oversees the website, launches initiatives, recruits talent and represents the student media in all capacities. The EIC works closely with the student media adviser.
What does the EIC not do?
Financial transactions are carried out by the student media adviser in consultation with the EIC. The EIC does not pay bills and cannot independently buy things.
How much time is required?
Some weeks there is a lot to do and other weeks not as much. During fall and spring semesters, be prepared to devote at least 10 hours of office time each week. Issues can happen any time and sometimes require quick action. If you have a heavy class load or a job that does not give much flexibility or free time, being EIC may not be for you.
What are the qualifications?
The only qualification is being a full-time undergraduate student. You do not have to be a mass comm major and you do not have to be an upper classman. Anyone can apply.
Does the EIC get paid?
The EIC does not get a salary. The EIC (and other editors) receive a talent scholarship. In recent years, the EIC has received about $3,000 per semester. This can change depending on scholarship funding levels.
Who selects the EIC?
The Student Media Advisory Board – a panel of students, faculty members and media professionals – selects the EIC. The board reviews applications and holds interviews. The EIC and student media adviser do not participate in the selection process.
How does one apply?
Send a cover letter and resume to . The cover letter should explain why you want this position. The resume should show classes and work experiences. The application must be submitted by March 1.
Any advice?
Talk to Nathan Witt, our current EIC. He can be reached at .
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