Patriot Talon Live – September
By LEIGH MEYERS/Broadcast Director, JUDE RATCLIFF/Broadcast Producer, NAYELLI CARILLO/Anchor and SANTIAGO NUNEZ/Reporter
By LEIGH MEYERS/Broadcast Director, JUDE RATCLIFF/Broadcast Producer, NAYELLI CARILLO/Anchor and SANTIAGO NUNEZ/Reporter
By LEIGH MEYERS/Broadcast Director Musical performances, magic shows and chemistry demonstrations. These are just a few of the talents students showcased in front of an audience on Wednesday at Honors LOGOS Student Senate’s annual Dionysia. “It [Read More…]
By LEIGH MEYERS/Staff Writer Despite the heat of the day, a crowd of students surround a line of chairs just outside of Harvey Lake deck. The students chat and laugh as one of their peers [Read More…]