Cortado – Cup of Jo’s Coffee Review
By JOSEPH MALDONADO/ Staff Writer How do I end a series of articles about drinking coffees and tea I’ve never drunk before? By trying the most interesting and wild coffee on the menu, of course. I’ve [Read More…]
By JOSEPH MALDONADO/ Staff Writer How do I end a series of articles about drinking coffees and tea I’ve never drunk before? By trying the most interesting and wild coffee on the menu, of course. I’ve [Read More…]
By ASHLEY WORLEY/Staff Writer EDITOR’S NOTE: October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Rows of T-shirts hung from clotheslines: a rainbow of colors. Each one is a story captured in paint, expressing the inexpressible. Some spoke [Read More…]
By BREANNA BOLLE/Staff Writer UT Tyler’s Patriot Singers are holding their upcoming Fall Choir Concert, “Promised Land,” at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 14. The concert will take place at St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church in [Read More…]
By DAVID CHAPEK/Staff Writer Chloe Dix says her job as president of the Student Government Association is to serve as the primary liaison between students, faculty, and administrators. When the university made additional parking spaces [Read More…]
By NATHAN WITT/Editor-in-Chief “Look! There it is! Right there!” shouts 4-year-old Victor Jr. to his mom, Elanlla. His feet “thump-thump-thump” to the front of the glass. He reaches with the tip of his toes to [Read More…]
By LEIGH MEYERS/Staff Writer Despite the heat of the day, a crowd of students surround a line of chairs just outside of Harvey Lake deck. The students chat and laugh as one of their peers [Read More…]
By KARLEIGH YANCY/ Staff Contributor Typically, Saturdays at UT Tyler are quiet. Most students aren’t on campus, and many events from the week are already over. However, on Sept. 30, the normally empty lawn in [Read More…]
By JOSEPH MALDONADO/Staff Writer I’ve always wondered who starts on the third entry in a series. Like it’s got the number three next to it. There are two more entries that precede whatever this third [Read More…]
By MELANIE ROMERO / Staff Writer Diversity, Equality and Inclusion offices – which encourage policies and resources to be used to help underrepresented minorities – will be closing soon in Texas colleges. Gov. Greg Abbott [Read More…]
By PORTER STAGGERS/ Staff Writer The 12th season of the iconic horror anthology series American Horror Story released its first episode Wednesday, Sept. 20th. Starring Emma Roberts, Kim Kardashian and Cara Delevingne, the season is [Read More…]