A Brief History of Student Media at UT Tyler

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. told us, “We are not makers of history. We are made by history.” In order to create a legacy moving forward, we remember the steps taken through the years to get us where we are today. Here is a brief summary of our journey. 

1973: Mr. Jim Powell, a part-time instructor for the School of Business, agreed to publish the first issue of Tyler State College Newspaper. They printed one issue per semester.

1974: The newspaper was rebranded as The Tyler Statesman.

1975: The college officially changed its name to Texas Eastern University.

1976: The newspaper was rebranded as The Patriot. It took the form of a student-run media outlet — a platform it still holds today.

1979: The college became part of The University of Texas system.

2002: Students win the right to govern their own student newspaper.

2004: Student staff rebrands the newspaper to Patriot Talon.

2007: Patriot Talon prints their first publication of a newspaper yearbook called Talon Times.

2008: Patriot Talon launches a news website mirroring their weekly newspaper. They adopt the motto, “The Voice of the Student Body.”

2012: Talon Times is rebranded to Patriot Pulse and becomes a lifestyle magazine.

2014: Patriot Talon expands to include other forms of student media, including a short-lived student broadcast and Inspired Minds: a literary magazine. The organization is rebranded for the last time to Talon Student Media. The newspaper and website continue to be called Patriot Talon.

2020: All projects other than the Patriot Talon website are halted. Campus shuts down in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

2022: The Patriot Talon Podcast Team is formed with its first series titled Talon Talks. Student staff officially declare the print newspaper will not return. Inspired Minds releases its first edition since the pandemic.

2023: The student broadcast is brought back under the name The Beak Speak. Talon Student Media’s range is expanded to include short films and documentaries. The Patriot Talon Podcast Team partners with UT Tyler Radio 99.7  for the production of several student and staff-hosted shows. Patriot Pulse releases its first edition since the pandemic.

LOOKING FORWARD: Talon Student Media plans to continue growing in the ever-changing media landscape. We always strive to further embody our reputation as “The Voice of the Student Body!